At one point I got obsessed with drawing legs and feet because I knew I really sucked at them. I hope to apply and have better skills at feet when figure drawing.

Jan and I went to Barnes and Noble as usual and drew for a while there. Here's an old man reading at the cafe.

Another person from Barnes and Noble, this time a girl wearing lots of pink and her hair was dyed pink too! The other girl is a quick sketch of a woman having a study session with her pals.

Let's see.. since we don't have very good internet service at Jan's house, later at night we went to Java, a cafe with free and fast internet. This is a sketch of their counter.

A character concept for my push and pulling test that I will eventually do after I finish spiffing my walk cycle. He's a little boy who is planning to run away from home but it seems that he packed too much stuff! His bag is so heavy that he has to drag the bag with his toys falling out, eventually trying to push it, and then giving up.

One of the days in Stockton I decided to draw Jan's house. It was SO HOT that I could not finish it! Man, it was like Niagra Falls on my back with sweat dripping nonstop on my face.

Jan needed to get a haircut so he, his mom, and I went to a hair salon. Here it is!

Decided to draw the interior of Jan's house by the staircase. Once again.... it was soooo hot!!!

We went to Jan's sister's bf's parents house for a little bit so that we can get dropped off at the airport. She had the cutest dogs! One was name Gypsy and Jan and I tried to sketch her. She, however, did not give me a chance to finish this, hehe.

At the airport... quick sketch of the plane we were going to ride! :) TO VEGAS, BABY!

I didn't get to sketch at Vegas, but boy did I have a great time! On the trip back I did a quick sketch of a walk cycle...

Last but not least, on the way back here is a character concept for a future drink test. She's going to walk up to a bar, order a martini and drink from it graciously. Little does she know that all the alcohol is on the bottom because they didn't mix it up and makes a face like "oh my god! this is disgustingly too strong!" and spits it out to the side. Then, with hesitation, she twirls it around with the pick and olive it comes with and then sips it again cautiously. Mmm, the martini was delicious!
Well, that's it for Vacation Sketches! Soon to come: more environment studies (hopefully) and finished/cleaned up version of the character concepts. Currently working on finishing/cleaning up the walk cycle and starting the push/pulling test! Stay tuned! :D
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