Hey guys! It's been a while since I posted cuz of school. Just busy with 113A stuff and GE work. Trying to get in figure drawings as much as possible but it unfortunately cut down compared to last semester cuz of my schedule. I've been trying out a Visual Devolpment on my own because I was inspired by the current BFA students :)

So my topic is Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt in the 18th dynasty. I started off with small line ideations. This was inspired by Januel, whose line ideations rock!

Next I tried out silloutte ideations and going over them in white. This was inspired by Andrea.

After looking at my ideations I started to doodle around and find a style that I want her to be in. I was looking at stuff like Megara and Hyung Tae Kim's stuff. It's not quite refined yet, so I'll keep trying. I was thinking like since Megara is so roundy and curvy, maybe Nefertiti could be in that fashion, but with more edgy, squared off stuff. I dunno. I'll post up new doodles soon and possibly start on the final Nefertiti!
That's about it for now. Maybe I'll be able to post some 113A stuff soon! Until next time! :)