Hey guys. After many hours of research, sketching, construction, rythmn, coloring, critiquing from peers and some teachers, here's my final Nefertiti:

There is still a lot of work on, like hard edges vs. soft edges for the shadows, and the shadow shapes. But overall I'm pretty satifsfied with the outcome.
However I showed it to Sheldon today and he drew over it with tracing paper. Overall the critique is it could be more pushed and more interesting, better shapes because my drawing is too stiff. Also if she's a cartoon, she shouldn't go with human porportions, but rather something like 5 heads tall, or 6 heads tall, etc etc. He's right.. this drawing WAS meant for Disney feature, but I guess I should have thought that out..
So I'm sketching again. Nefertiti will be 6.5 heads tall after looking at some model sheets of Jasmine and Belle. Jasmine is 5 heads tall and Belle is 6.5 heads. I wanted to go more with Belle because I love her overall. However Nefertiti will be slightly thinner than Belle, so that means I really need to work on my straights vs. curves (either way whether what shape she is I should anyway) because it will be hard to try to get a graceful feeling to it. Nefertiti is supposed to be bold, powerful with authority, yet a kind woman.
I will take this as a learning experience and do my best to come up with something better. I'll keep everything I've learned so far and use it when I move on to Nefertiti's step son, Tutankhamun. He will be the child version, unlike the young adult version everyone is familiar with, since Nefertiti is still in power.
I hope to get better at this. I'll keep working hard. I also hope that my figure drawings will start to loosen up because I am definately swallowing a really big rat... they're really stiff right now.
Anyways, I hope to post progress on other stuff as well! Stay tuned!